Asset Ripper

A tool for extracting assets from Unity serialized files and converting them into the native Unity engine format.

Asset Ripper will allow you to extract the base game's assets and load imitations of them in your modding SDK project.

After importing the assets you'll have to use the Missing Script Recovery Tool to be able to view components and their settings.

Usage Directions

  1. Download AssetRipper from its releases page

  2. Unzip the download and run AssetRipper.GUI.Free.exe

  3. Follow the directions in the console window to access the GUI if it didn't already open in your browser automatically

  4. Access File > Settings and ensure the following Options are checked, then click Save

    1. Skip StreamingAssets Folder - to avoid dumping mods

  5. Use File > Open Folder to select your game install directory folder

  6. Go to Export > Export All Files

  7. Type or select (using the Select Folder button) a folder path to place the exported files at

  8. Press the Export Unity Project button to start the export. The webpage displays no indication that anything is happening but the console window should be printing a bunch of stuff. Once the export is finished it will take you back to the Asset Ripper home page and the console log will end with "Export : Finished post-export"

  9. Close the console window and browser tab

Exporting Audio Files

Audio Files are located in StreamingAssets\aa. If you want to export them, either un-check the "Skip StreamingAssets Folder" option, or directly open this subfolder of your game install directory: CoreKeeper_Data\StreamingAssets\aa

The ExportedProject folder contains all files we're interested in. Within this folder, you probably care about these subfolders:

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