Inspecting Assets In-Game

Use additional tools to inspect properties and values while the game is running.

Example Cases

Fixing an imported MinecartEntity prefab by looking at the real one in game

This example talks about fixing an imported prefab ripped from the game using info in Unity Explorer.

  1. Install Unity Explorer and relaunch the game

  2. Open the "Object Explorer" window from the newly added top bar

  3. Switch to "Object Search" mode and type MinecartEntity into the "Name contains:" search box, then press Search

  4. Find the entry "MinecartEntity" (UnityEngine.GameObject) and double click it

  5. In the "Components" column you can see a list of script components on the prefab. The default sorting order should be exactly the same as the sorting order of the scripts in the Unity editor.

  6. Use NG Tools Missing Script Recovery to fix as many Perfect Matches as you can, then use the entries in the Components column to specify what the rest of the scripts are.

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