Weapons and Tools

Follow the Item Guide

Follow the steps in the generic item guide first to define the other required properties of your item.


Creating Melee Weapons and Tools

To make a equipable item with use animation you need to:

  • Set the ObjectType to tool or weapon type

  • Add DurabilityAuthoring, GivesConditionsWhenEquipedAuthoring, CooldownAuthoring, WeaponDamageAuthoring and LevelAuthoring component authorings and configure them correctly

  • Assign both icons to first sprite in item animation sheet.

Sprite sheets should be 120x120px and have 7 sprites showing item in different states. You can find such sheets for all base game weapons and tools by ripping game content via Asset Ripper.

Creating Ranged Weapons

The CoreLib.Entity submodule is required for this guide section.

To make a ranged weapon you mostly need to do the same as with any other weapon. Except for the fact that you will need a custom projectile entity added. To hook modded projectile entity use ModRangeWeaponAuthoring component instead of RangeWeaponAuthoring (CoreLib feature)

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