If you know where to find the Xbox desktop install files, update the docs to add this info!
%userprofile%\appdata\locallow\Pugstorm\Core Keeper
TODO - do you know where it is? Add it!
Placed in same folder as the server executable. No past logs are kept.
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Pugstorm\Core Keeper\Steam\<user-id>\saves
$HOME/.config/unity3d/Pugstorm/Core Keeper/Steam/<user-id>/saves
Not applicable - characters exist client side.
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Pugstorm\Core Keeper\Steam\<user-id>\worlds
$HOME/.config/unity3d/Pugstorm/Core Keeper/Steam/<user-id>/worlds
subfolder of the server install directory.
There are 2 locations where mod files are stored:
This is where the game's mod.io integration downloads the mods you are subscribed to.
TODO - do you know where it is? Add it!
Not applicable - servers can't use the mod.io integration. See the #manually-added-mods section.
The folder contains:
, a file that encodes subscribed mods and their state.
, a folder which contains all downloaded mods. The folder names are mod.io IDs and are not human readable unless you lookup the IDs using the API. You can edit or delete files in this folder to remove or unsubscribe from mods.
If you want to downloads mods manually, this is where you should put them. This is also where mod developers can find the mods packaged by the Unity editor during mod development.
subfolder of your game install directory.
subfolder of the server install directory.
%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Pugstorm\Core Keeper\Steam\<user-id>\mods
TODO - do you know where it is? Add it!
subfolder of the server install directory.